“Lotsa things can ‘appen to a delver, under the mountain or in the forgotten places. Some get set on fire, some fall down ‘oles. Others come back blind, crippled, or worse!
You’d do best to stay at home boy, tendin’ the turnips an’ sloppin’ the pigs.”
I don’t use a Judge’s screen: I let the dice fall where they may, and make all rolls out in the open. But recently, I had to figure out how the DCC rules handle blindness.
After eventually finding the rulings somewhere under the warrior deeds, I figured that I’d need some assisting notes for further sessions. So I made these cheatsheets!
Some of the rulings are my own, and some are fairly directly based on official sources, or dug up from various modules. Have a gander, and use them if you find them useful! And please, suggest more stuff I could add to the set!
Additionally, you may have noticed some cool new art on the site. Joni Kesti plays in my Monday game, and illustrates the adventures of the Bitterweed Barrow Allstars every week. I am extremely eager to show these images to our readers, and super happy to share the load of content production with fresh new Knights.
DCC – Judge’s Checksheet
Header art by the investigative Joni Kesti.
Thank you!
No problem, that’s what we’re here for.
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