“The hyperboreans are an ancient, antediluvian race, who ruled the world back when
the earliest men were still but mewling apes.
Their civilization was brought low by a dimension-spanning curse, a creeping doom from beyond the lurid veils of reality. For the hyperboreans were wizard-kings, molding reality with forgotten magics, and consorting with all manner of daemons, elder entities and starbeasts from the Great Nether.”
Collaboration with the Sanctum Secorum podcast continues, this time with a description of the ancient hyperboreans, complete with rules to generate hyperborean characters.
I had a lot of fun writing this article, as it was based on an adventure seed born of storytelling collaboration last winter. But please, read the details in the zine, and as always, check out the podcast!
Sanctum Secorum episode #32: Attack from Atlantis
Sanctum Secorum ep. #32 companion on DriveThruRPG