The Most Handsome and Also Cool Knight
Introduction for the Most Handsome and Also Cool Knight, Jussi Pylkäs. He’s additionally known for his modesty.
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The brave knights that keep the wheels turning at the quest for ancient lore!
Introduction for the Most Handsome and Also Cool Knight, Jussi Pylkäs. He’s additionally known for his modesty.
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The Knight of Dreams! I have a wife and a big screen TV, some friends and money to spend. I’ve been playing RPGs since 1991. First DnD and GURPS, then everything else. Having met an impasse, the OSR and especially DCC, was a revelation and sparked a renewed interest in the hobby. Some of the
The Knight of Mystery He just wandered into town one cool, clear night. Pointed up at the stars and insisted there was a fascinating phenomenon to be seen, if only we would extinguish every torch in a furlong’s radius, which we politely declined. He had two halfling girl-children in tow, cute as can be, but