Spell – Phandaal’s Gyrator

“From his mouth gushed the syllables of Phandaal’s Gyrator Spell. The Deodand was jerked off his feet and flung high in the air, where he hung whirling, high and low, faster and slower, up to the tree-tops, low to the ground.” – Mazirian The Magician

Another DCC-fied Vancian spell of mine, this time from The Dying Earth. I made it a 3rd level Wizard spell, with a fumble range based on that, following the optional casting rule outlined in Liber Arcanum. Obviously, if you do not wish to use the mechanic, simply treat only ‘1’ as a fumble.

Astute players may also find non-violent uses for the spell, e.g. as a lift when cast on an ally.

Go aloft! <a


DCC spell – Phandaal’s Gyrator


Header art: “The Circle of the Lustful: Paolo and Francesca”, William Blake, engraving, circa 1825-7.