Our emissaries have sailed over the Northern Seas and established a trade route with the peoples of America! Now the tribe called Printify.com will manage our orders, shipping and returns for the goods that we’ve designed.
Our fist batch of stickers are designed by our ocular wizard Joni Kesti with the exception of our official emblem, which is designed by Danny Prescott. The inventory also features a mug design and a notebook, mainly to test out the quality of products and shipping costs. Please let us know what sort of stuff you’d like to see here!
Please be patient with the shipping and processing as Printify and it’s partners are also heavily influenced of the current COVID-19 situation.
Let us know if there are any hiccups in the UI or shopping in general as we are fairly new to operating internationally through multiple service providers: as with most things we do, we’re learning as we go!
We want to share good things that revolve around our beloved hobby, and take great pride and responsibility to be able to continue to do so in the future.
Stay healthy, stay safe.