“Wizzards, them’s a queer bunch! But none so weird as them that dally with the dead!
Robbers, sneaks, we get all sorts at th’ graveyard. A strange lookin’ fella came round last fall, snoopin’ around the older crypts. I’ll tell ya, we were none too surprised when we found ‘im diggin up the dead one night! Looked like ‘e had a bunch a walkin’ corpses helpin’ ‘im too!
Of course, bein’ the smart gaffers we are, we scarpered into the night right quick. They’re not paying us enough to go toe to toe with no wizzards, no sirree! Live and let die, thas what me old uncle always used ta say!”
Another class this week: we’re kicking off our old DCC campaign next Tuesday, and one of the wizards has spent the summer puttering around the Underdark. Her player always wanted to play a necromancer, so I put together a full class description for testing purposes.
Now, I know that Arcane Affinity allows wizards to specialize, sort of, but to be honest I don’t really like the mechanics in that spell. Even though the necromancer here is just a tweaked wizard it has a little more flesh and flavour on its bones.
I’ll likely end up updating the class eventually based on testing and feedback.
DCC Class – The Necromancer
Necromancer character sheet
DCC Spell – Breathe Un-life
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