A Noble Soul

“Fate’s thread, re-weaved and knotted anew.”

I made this blade for the big season finale session a few weeks back. Most of the encounters and events of the game were callbacks to stuff that happened during earlier in the campaign, and the Noble Soul is no different: I wanted to pay homage to one of the first fatalities we had in DCC, back when we started a few years ago.

This is a fairly traditional take on the “talking sword” -trope. The main downside for the item is that it can be pretty damn irritating: I have an inkling that my players may end up throwing it into ravine or something fairly soon, just to get away from the incessant encouragement.

You may also notice that we’re in the process of revamping the site’s style and expanding to a number of social media outlets. This is an ongoing process, and any feedback would obviously be welcome.



DCC Artefact – Noble Soul


Illustration by the ever vigilant Joni Kesti.