Justicia, Goddess of Justice and Mercy

“Did’ja hear? Ol’ Hannah, from Squalid’s Row, y’know ‘er, she went to the church of the two-faced law god, whas’er name… Juhsticia! Yea, thassit. Justicia.

She went right up there, stood bare-bucking-nekkid in fronta the big scales at the altar, and demanded justice for alla the raglings and droogs living in Squalid’s hellholes.

Now, Mr. Squalid’s a real slumlord, don’t get me wrong. But Hannah ain’t no saint. She done opened ‘er legs for more delvers than I care ta think. Wouldn’t dally with no law-god lady if I was ‘er. Dunno what pushed ‘er that far, t’be’onest.

But lo-and-fucking-behold, the goddess answered! Mr. Squalid was turned into a rat, snap-bang, right then and there!

“YOU’LL LIVE IN THE FILTH FOR AN ETERNITY!”, a voice outta nowhere roared at ‘im. Squalid shat ‘imself, an’ ran down a gutter at full pelt! HA! No one’s seen ‘im since!

Ol’ Hannah wasn’t served much better, mind you. I ‘ear she’s still shittin’ through ‘er mouth, on account’a ‘er legs bein’ stitched together inta one limb. Ta keep ‘er off the streets, y’know.”

I’ve had to dig deep in my fall-back articles, on account of my life being a little crazy at the moment. I’ve slept something like 6 hours total in the last 2 days, and covered some 4000 km, with various means of travel. Things are happening at a confusing pace.

Anyhow, here are the the playnotes and disapproval table for Justicia.

As an additional curiosity, I found a picture of the original decrees of Justicia: I usually give my cleric players just a handwritten list for their new deity, before creating anything more detailed: you never know, the cleric might meet an untimely end before rolling a single disapproval, so this is done mostly to conserve energy. How would you play a cleric, if this was all you knew about their deity?

Cheers, AMP

DCC deity – Justicia, Goddess of Justice and Mercy


2 thoughts on “Justicia, Goddess of Justice and Mercy”

  1. Pingback: The Stars, They Tell of Gods – Knights in the North

  2. Pingback: Review Week! – Knights in the North

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