"Rumours of lost travellers circulate in the region of the Ogre's Head Tavern, and many claim that the brutish proprietor of the inn is to blame. Still, most caravans simply ignore the bleak gossip, since the hostelry is the only slice of relative civilization in the frontier."
This is a one pager DCC adventure which provided two challenges for me as a designer and author.
Firstly, a one page adventure in itself is a bit of a challenge: how to include everything necessary for the adventure to be useful, while leaving out the obvious and irrelevant. I know I tend to be a little wordy at the best of times, so condensing the content into a single page was a fun little trial for my writing skills.
Secondly, I’ve continued to play around with Scribus, an open-source layout software. I’m getting a decent handle on the functionalities, so maybe we can expand our catalogue with some honest-to-goodness KitN modules and supplements!
Check out the adventure below, I’d love to hear your feedback!